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Deadline extended - applications due 26 August


Our mentors

  • Curatorial - Madeleine Kelman Snow

  • Ceramics - Jacquie Garcia, Ali Sobel-Read (hand building)

  • Installation/sculpture - Tom Ireland, Louisa Magrics, Peter Tilley

  • Illustration - Nicola Bolton

  • Jewellery - Barb Nanshe

  • Painting -  Michelle Brodie, James Drinkwater, Peter Gardiner, Rachel Milne, Nigel Milsom, Graham Wilson

  • Photography - Joerg Lehmann

  • Printmaking - Chris Clifton, Amanda Donohue, Vera Zulumovski


The basics:

  • The program will see emerging artists apply to be mentored for one year, from September to August.

  • There is no cost associated with the program.

  • The program is competitive. Applicants will need to complete an application. 

Who is eligible?

  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older. There is no upper age limit.  

  • Applicants must be emerging artists in the first five years of their full-time art practice.

  • Applicants must reside or have their working studio within the Mentorship Program Area, which includes Hunter region local government areas. Refer to the Mentee Application Guide below for more information. 

What is involved?

The successful applicant will be paired with their preferred established art practitioner for one year. The nature of the mentorship is up to each individual mentor. It is an opportunity for skills, knowledge and experience to be passed from a practising established artist to an emerging artist. The mentee is expected to meet with their mentor once a month and attend get-togethers with the 2022/2023 Mentorship cohort. Mentees are also required to participate in an exhibition, alongside their mentor, showcasing the outcomes of their mentorship, as well as an end-of-program evaluation session.


How do I apply? 


Key dates
Applications open: Friday 22 July 2022
Applications close: Friday 19 August 2022 - now extended to 26 August
Successful applicants notified: Wednesday 31 August

Mentor + mentee briefing session: Saturday 3 September (pencil this in your diary!)

Mentoring commences: from 10 September 2022

Newcastle Art Space Mentorship Program 2022/23


Choose your top 3 preferences for mentors:
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Thank you for applying.We'll be in touch.

Sorry, applications have now closed.

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The website was funded by the Australia Council for the Arts Resilience Fund.

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