Mentorship Program
Application Guidelines, Terms & Conditions
Role of the Curatorial Mentee
The successful curatorial mentee will work with the Curatorial Mentor to establish a theme for the end-of-program exhibition, liaise with mentees and mentors around development of works for the exhibition, as well as develop any accompanying documentation and curation of the exhibition. The mentee will meet with NAS staff early in the program to confirm key dates and task allocation for the exhibition.
How does the application process work?
Eligible visual artists and emerging curators are welcome to make an application by the due date (midnight 8 October 2024)
There is a $33 (incl GST) processing fee payable at the time of submission. Please note this fee assists with the cost to process applications and is non-refundable. The program is competitive. By submitting your application and paying this fee you are not guaranteed a place in the program. There are no other costs associated with the program for participants.
All applications will be checked for eligibility by Newcastle Art Space staff before being shortlisted by our Mentorship Selection Team. This team will comprise arts industry experts who will shortlist applicants to be matched with one of their top three preferred mentors.
Each mentor will have the opportunity to review the shortlist and set up an interview with their potential mentee. The final decision on who is accepted into the program is held by the mentor. ​​
Mentorship Program Area
The Newcastle Art Space Mentorship Program is open to applications from practicing visual artists who live or have their studio in one of the following Hunter Region local government areas:
Lake Macquarie
Port Stephens
Cessnock ​
Upper Hunter
If you live fewer than 2 kilometres beyond these local government boundaries, you are also eligible to apply.
To find out if your home or studio address falls within the boundaries of one of these local government areas, see:
Communication & privacy
Applicants consent to being added to the Newcastle Art Space electronic mailing list for updates and further information on this Mentorship Program plus other opportunities run by Newcastle Art Space. Artists details will not be shared and an unsubscribe link is provided in each email.
Step 1
Please read this guide in full before making your application.
Step 2
Check your eligibility:
Will you be 18 years of age on 8 October 2024?
Do you live or have a working studio within the geographical boundaries outlined above?
Step 3
Identify your top three preferred mentors
See our list of amazing mentors HERE
Step 4
Are you applying for the Curatorial Mentorship? If no, go to Step 5.
If yes, prepare your application information:
A statement about why you want to do the program and what you hope to get out of it. (max 200 words)
If selected as the Curatorial Mentee, you will develop an exhibition that includes work by the other mentees and mentors. Please provide a brief overview (or ‘pitch’) of how you would approach this. You might consider a theme or methodology, your process for working with the artists, or any other ideas to make an exhibition of calibre. Please note that you won’t be held to this – we want to understand your curatorial approach and interests. (max 500 words)
Your 1-2 page curatorial CV.
Up to 6 images relating to your previous work
Uploaded image(s) should be:-
A minimum of 750 pixels on the shortest side
Saved in .jpg or .png format only (not .jpeg)
Maximum file size of each image not exceeding 2MB
The file name must include the artist’s name and title of the work e.g.firstname_lastname_titleofwork.jpg.
Add details of the project and year, along with any photo credits in the text box provided
Go to Step 6.
Step 5
Prepare your application information:
A short statement about your art practice. (max 200 words)
A statement of why you believe you will benefit from mentoring and what you would hope to achieve with your preferred mentor over the coming 12 months. (max 500 words)
Your 1-2 page art CV.
Up to 6 images of your work
Uploaded image(s) should be:-
A minimum of 750 pixels on the shortest side
Saved in .jpg or .png format only (not .jpeg)
Maximum file size of each image not exceeding 2MB
The file name must include the artist’s name and title of the work e.g.firstname_lastname_titleofwork.jpg.
Add details of the project and year, along with any photo credits in the text box provided
Step 6
Upload your application online by midnight 8 October 2024 via the following links:​​
Curatorial Application:
Artist Application:
Please note: There is a $33 (incl GST) processing fee payable at the time of submission. Please note this fee assists with the cost to process applications and is non-refundable. The program is competitive. By submitting your application and paying this fee you are not guaranteed a place in the program.
There are no other costs associated with the program for participants.
Selection and notification
Successful curatorial mentee notified: 16 October 2024
Mentorships announced: 25 October 2024
The list of selected mentees will be posted on social media and on the Newcastle Art Space website after they have been notified.
Delivery of artwork
Artists will be notified of delivery date and times closer to the exhibition and must deliver their work to Newcastle Art Space during these times or by an agreed alternative. Freight costs and all other charges relating to delivery and collection of artworks are the sole responsibility of the artist. Artworks will not be accepted unless delivered and returned free of all freight and other charges.
Insurance & indemnity for final exhibition
Newcastle Art Space and its agents will exercise all due care with the works submitted but will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered whatsoever to any artwork while in transit or under its control. Each artist shall indemnify Newcastle Art Space and its agents against any loss or damage suffered to their artwork whatsoever. Each artist is responsible for their own insurance cover.
Artwork requirements
Artwork delivered to Newcastle Art Space must be CLEARLY MARKED on the reverse with the artist’s name, address, contact details, the title of the work, medium, size and the current retail price (if for sale) specified on their entry.
Sales & commission
Artists' works sold at Newcastle Art Space Gallery will attract a 30% commission on sales, with all proceeds to Newcastle Art Space. Artists note: if you are represented by a sole exhibiting gallery the sales commission will be split.
Photography & reproduction of artwork
All artists authorise Newcastle Art Space formally and irrevocably, to capture and publish images of their works free of copyright, totally or partly, in all publications (catalogues, folders, posters, slide shows, brochures etc) related to promotion and documentation of this Mentorship Program, as well as on the Newcastle Art Space website and social media.​
Collection of unsold works
Works not sold during the exhibition periods must be collected from Newcastle Art Space during office hours or by arrangement. Any artwork not collected after the exhibition are liable to be stored at the artist’s expense, and disposed of if not collected within a reasonable timeframe.
If you have any questions regarding your entry, please get in touch with us via