This show is a collaboration between artists across disciplines curated by Madeleine K. Snow & Karen Wells
1-17 November
This exhibition features collaborative pairings between artists across mediums with a focus on still life. As an entry point to this concept Linda Greedy was invited to develop a still life painting incorporating the ceramic work of Megan McGee. Megan McGee then began responding to the paintings of Linda Greedy. This show is experimental and collaborative where artists have been invited to respond to the paired artists work overtly or more indirectly.
Main image: Peter Gardiner & Nicki Bates at Newcastle Art Space
Artwork images: Linda Greedy painting and Megan McGee Ceramics
Megan McGee (ceramic) – Linda Greedy (painting)
Maggie Hensel-Brown (lace)– Oliver Harlan (ceramic)
Jacqui Garcia (ceramic) – Caroline Traill (painter)
Peter Gardiner (painter) – Nicki Bates (ceramic) Â
Karen Wells (ceramic) - Dan Nelson (painting)
Sue Stuart (ceramic) – John Cliff (photography)