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image credit: Cassaria Young-Hogan 'My Place' 2022 acrylic on canvas

CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Ninuku Arts Studio Residency

Join us in welcoming visiting artists Yangi Yangi Fox, Renae Fox, Carol Young, Cassaria Young-Hogan and Linda Eddy visiting from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands for a BBQ lunch on Saturday 28 October at 1pm.

23 Oct - 1 Nov 2023

Newcastle Art Space (NAS) is proud to host a cultural exchange with Ninuku Arts welcoming visiting artists to the new Residency Artist Studio. The artists Yangi Yangi Fox, her daughter Renae Fox, Carol Young, her niece Cassaria Young-Hogan and Linda Eddy will travel from some of the most remote communities in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands. Ninuku Arts is in Kalka a desert community in the APY Lands close to the border between South Australia and Western Australia.


Yangi Yangi Fox is a cultural leader, a Board Member of Ninuku Arts, she is also the Deputy Chair and formerly Director of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council. She is a celebrated Tjanpi Desert Weaver and has exhibited her work nationally and internationally.  Each of the artists have carved out their own creative practices. Ninuku arts whilst known for its painters has also more recently diversified into creative and contemporary practices in glass with exhibitions held nationally. 


For urban based indigenous and non-indigenous Novocastrians this visit is a unique opportunity to strengthen and deepen our understanding of the complex networks of Anangu culture.  An opportunity for the community to meet with the artists will be held at Newcastle Art Space on Saturday 28 Oct 2023 to visit the new studio and see some of the works in progress produced during their residency in Newcastle.


This exchange and connection between Ninuku Art Centre and Newcastle Art Space has been established by one of our studio artists, Eila Vinwynn, who has been managing Ninuku Art Centre for almost two years. The partnership has been expanding with several artists from Newcastle visiting and volunteering at Ninuku Arts and participating in their bush trips to country a core focus of Ninuku Arts cultural program.


The cultural exchange begins on 23 October 2023 – 1 November 2023, with an opportunity to meet the artists at a BBQ lunch from 1 - 3 pm Saturday 28 October at NAS.

To RSVP please email:

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The website was funded by the Australia Council for the Arts Resilience Fund.

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