NAS invites artists to submit work to be considered for ‘Cats, Dogs & Other Animals' - a curated group show that celebrates our love of, and connection to, our non-human companions
Open to all forms of media, this exhibition offers a creative tribute to our furry, feathered, and scaly friends. The show aims to showcase diverse interpretations of the unique and endearing ways that animals inspire us.
Submissions open: 20 December 2024 (scroll down for submission form)
Submissions close: Midnight Tuesday 25 February 2025
Selected work announced: Friday 28 February 2025
Delivery of artwork to NAS: 10am - 2pm Wed 5th - Fri 7th March 2025
Exhibition Opening: 6pm - 8pm Friday 21 March 2025
Exhibition Duration: 21 March - 13 April 2025
Collection of artwork: 3pm – 4pm Sun 13 , 10am - 2pm Wed 16 – Thurs 17 April 2025 (note: Friday 18th is Good Friday)
Information you need prior to submissions
Artwork must respond to the theme
2D and 3D media are accepted (painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, ceramics etc)
Artwork size may be up to but not larger than 150 cm x 100 cm (including the frame), or an equivalent size/area ratio to a maximum of 1.5 square metres.
Artwork can consist of multiple parts but they must not exceed these overall size limits.
Submissions must be made online using the form below before midnight Tuesday 25 February 2025
A maximum of three works per artist can be submitted
A $44 submission fee shall be paid for each work. Payment is made during the online entry process
A discounted submission fee of $33 is available for current NAS studio artists
(artists who are leasing a studio space at NAS) -
Entry receipts will be provided
The submission fee is non-refundable and contributes to the processing of your submission and curation of the show
Image of your artwork
Uploaded image should be:
A minimum of 750 pixels on the shortest side
Saved in .jpg or .png format only (not .jpeg)
Preferred file size for each image is no more than 2MB
The file name must include the artist’s name and title of the work as listed on the entry form e.g.firstname_lastname_titleofwork.jpg.
Communication & privacy
Artists consent to being added to the Newcastle Art Space electronic mailing list for updates and further information on this and other exhibitions run by Newcastle Art Space. Artists details will not be shared and an unsubscribe link is provided in each email.
Submission Form
Please complete the submission form below, ensuring all details are correct.
Artwork dimensions MUST be entered in cm (not inches or mm).
Should your work be selected, your name and the artwork details you include in this submission form will be used to generate the exhibition catalogue - PLEASE ENSURE THEY ARE CORRECT as we may not be able to accommodate changes. If you wish to receive a copy of your submission please email:
Selection and notification
By submitting this application and paying the submission fee, you are not guaranteed entry into the exhibition.
While we endeavour to be as inclusive as possible, gallery space is limited and artwork will be selected at the curator's discretion. We are a non-profit organisation and your submission fee assists us to cover the costs of processing all entries and running the exhibition. There are no other costs involved to participate in the show. By submitting your application you accept that your submission fee is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of your submission.
Artists will be notified if their work has been selected for exhibition by personal email on
Friday 28 February 2025.
Delivery of works
Selected artworks must be delivered to Newcastle Art Space between:
10am - 2pm Wednesday 5th March 2025
10am - 2pm Thursday 6th March
10am - 2pm Friday 7th March
If the artist wishes to deliver the work via courier freight costs and all other charges relating to delivery and collection of artworks are the sole responsibility of the artist. Artworks will not be accepted unless delivered and returned free of all freight and other charges. If you are selected and would like to send your artwork please email us to make arrangements:
Insurance & indemnity
Newcastle Art Space will exercise all due care with the works submitted but will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered whatsoever to any artwork while in transit or under its control. Each artist shall indemnify Newcastle Art Space against any loss or damage suffered to their artwork whatsoever. Each artist is responsible for their own insurance cover. By submitting this application you agree to these conditions.
Artwork requirements
Artwork delivered to Newcastle Art Space must be CLEARLY MARKED on the reverse with the artist’s name, address, contact details, the title of the work, medium, size and the retail price (including NAS 30% commission).
Sales & commission
Artwork sold at Newcastle Art Space Gallery will attract a 30% commission on sales. Sales will be processed up to 14 days after the close of the exhibition.
Photography & reproduction of artwork
All applicants authorise Newcastle Art Space formally and irrevocably, to capture and publish images of their works free of copyright, totally or partly, in all publications (catalogues, folders, posters, slide shows, brochures etc) related to promotion and documentation of this exhibition, as well as on the Newcastle Art Space website and social media.
Collection of unsold works
Works not sold during the exhibition period must be collected from Newcastle Art Space during the following times:
3pm – 4pm Sunday 13 April 2025
10am - 2pm Wednesday 16 April
10am - 2pm Thursday 17 April
Note: Friday 18 April is Good Friday & the office will be closed
Sold artwork needs to be collected by the purchaser during the above times.
Any artwork not collected after the exhibition are liable to be stored at the artist’s expense and disposed of if not collected within a reasonable timeframe.
If you have any questions regarding your entry, please get in touch with us via