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Artist Name:
Tom Lambie
Deb and Cath: A study in warmth
About the artwork:
Cath and Deb have been advocates, peer support workers and trainers for people with disabilities, and assist others to get the best out of their NDIS packages, using their extensive knowledge of the disability sector from their own lived experience. When I asked if I could paint their portrait, they agreed, but assured me that the best thing to come out of it would be that we got to talk, drink coffee and eat cake. It’s all about relationships, and caring.
(Please note, some image proportions do not match the preview display. Click the image to see the full photograph.)

760 x 610 mm
Acrylic on canvas
About the artist:
I’ve lived, worked, swam and run in the Hunter for the past 30 years. It’s my home.
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