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Hunter Emerging Art Prize
Finalists and Winners





Artist Name:
Paula Thistleton
One more time
One more time

Bubble wrap, soft plastic, wool, ribbon, clothes hangers, elastic, paper and clothes rack


101cm x 120 cm x 71cm



About the artwork:

My work draws inspiration in wearable art, playing with the ‘ready-made’ and experimenting in the materiality of my medium.  Elastic, ribbon, and wool were used to secure the plastic and bubble wrap to create structure and form for the elastic-waisted skirt, vest, drawstring pants, scarf and handbag. Red stitches in each item reference the feminine and women’s craft of needlework. The clothing rack is a comment on the fashion industries contribution to land fill.

The use of soft plastics and bubble wrap is a provocation as to what else these materials could be used for and an exploration of the properties and versatility of these materials in the production of clothing and fashion items.  The technology of the pre-mass and over production of fast fashion, such as cutting, shredding, tying, stitching, folding and threading, is a connection with the past when clothes were made by hand, altered, handed down and mended.

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